Hi all,
Like a lot of you, I was feeling lost when the term “RSS readers/aggregator” was introduced in class or used in an online chat room. After some discussion on this topic with fellow classmates and watching a YouTube clip on RSS readers, not only was the definition becoming clear, but the advantages of this tool were becoming more apparent.
My understanding of this tool is that it is a means of retrieving information automatically and instantly (useful for the user) to one simple to read (and use) web site without attracting such things as spam and viruses.
So using this definition, how would an RSS reader help us as learning managers in a classroom teaching situation? Ideas that come to mind are:
· Retrieving important and useful information on current classroom topics automatically;
· Having students of all ages creating their own classroom blogs and websites and then subscribing to common interest feeds; and
· Being able to notify external learners instantly of new and useful resources.
(Kaplan-Leiserson, 2004)
Relating this to my discipline area of hospitality classes at high school, I could have the students set up a blog page on specific dessert cooking recipes (i.e. chocolate cakes) and subscribe to other blogs or websites of interest to receive useful recipe variations without having to search manually through endless websites.
This is an exercise for you the reader: - In 10 words or less explain in your own words your understanding of RSS readers.
I will be using this tool as a teaching strategy.
Thanks for listening.
Kaplan-Leiserson, E. (2004). RSS: A Learning Technology. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from http://www.astd.org/LC/2004/0504_kaplan.htm
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