These Podcasts are:
· Technology 4 Teachers (using technology in schools)
· Douchy’s Night Sky Podcast (Australian astronomy class on Podcast)
· Sterling High Videos & Podcasts
Technology 4 Teachers is a compilation of various lessons on how to incorporate technology into classrooms and how to engage students with learning. One video that I found very informing and beneficial was on how to use mobile phones to your advantage as a teacher. Another podcast of interest was on how to integrate technology into classrooms that will engage students with learning.
Douchy’s Night Sky Podcast has been set up by a teacher from Victoria to support his astronomy classes he teachers at school. The students learn theory in class during the day. The students then have the opportunity to download audio instructions from his Podcast classes to view the skies at night. The teacher is incorporating theory during the day and engaging practical instructions via podcast at night. According to Dale’s Cone (1969, as cited in Active Learning Online, 2000) theory, this is a direct and purposeful learning method, relating to real world experiences.
Sterling High videos & Podcast is a video Podcast documentary on all aspects of high school life at Sterling High. Videos cover activities such as sports, entertainment, school and student events and school promotional commercials.
I believe this a great way to promote and demonstrate school pride to the world. Having students actively involved in producing a Podcast focused on their school, fellow students, teachers and their surrounding community would give students a sense of belonging to a group. This is consistent with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1968, 1970, 1976, as cited in McInerney & McInerney, 2006); students need to feel they belong for learning to continue.
Thank you
Jim Price
Active Learning Online. (2000). Why use active learning? Retrieved August 5, 2009, from http://www.acu.edu/cte/activelearning/whyuseal2.htm
Mclnerney, D. M, & Mclnerney, V. (2006). Educational psychology constructing learning. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearsons Education Australia.
Photo: Retrieved August 11, 2009, from freedigitalphotos.net
Great posting Jim
ReplyDeleteSo far I haven't even had success in finding podcast within the itunes website but have posted a query to Scot in order to gain information. I'm definitely missing a step somewhere in his instructions.
Dear Jim
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you were able to navigate your way around the itunes site to find podcast. For the life of me I seem to be missing a step in Scot's instructions and cannot even find podcast on any webpage I have viewed.
Theh podcasts you have chosen sound great.
Kind regards
ReplyDeleteDo you have a link to those podcasts? I'd like to view them actually
Hi Kerry,
ReplyDeleteHow did you go? Did you workout Podcast?
If not let me know. I will email you how to.
Thanks for the comments
Hi Jim,
ReplyDeleteThe Night Sky podcast you've written about sounds like a perfect educational use of the technology - the students can easily access information which supports their class learning, in a format which is familiar and convenient to them as digital learners. Plus I imagine that, if the students are out looking at the sky at night, being able to listen to instructions rather than read them is obviously more practical!
Thanks Jim for the suggestion of Sean M. Martinson's podcast - Technology for Teachers. I think podcasts such as these can be great for educators to use for personal professional development.