Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Online Quizzes

Hi all,
My first experience with online quizzes was last term during Learning Management 1. I remember thinking at the time how I preferred this style of online testing compare to what I remembered from past schooling.

Reason for this may have been:
· Using technology for testing (computer)
· Instant results, correct answers and explanation after test completion
· The comfort of being able to take test anywhere/anytime out of class

Now it was my turn to create my own online quiz for my students. I decided to create a quick multiple choice quiz based on Coffee theory (year 12 lesson). Using a website called ClassMarker I went about constructing my first online quiz. I found ClassMarker easy to navigate due to simple to follow instructions, and creating this quiz was enjoyable at the same time.

Features I like about Classmarker:

· Educator can control test settings to suit students learning abilities and learning styles
· Instant results and students can receive instant feedback
· Results are stored in one easy to find place (can be transferred to Excel)
· Easy and fun for educator to create

The feedback I received from the students who took the test was mostly positive (as positive as you are going to get from students about a test). They found it easy to access, liked that it was related to class lessons and liked the fact they received instant results.

Students achieve positive learning outcomes when educators taken into account diverse learning styles and learning abilities (Ashman & Elkins, 2008).

Pointed out in a Felder (2005) paper, learners process and construct information differently, diverse learning styles in students needs to be considered.

Use this link to take the test (Coffee theory). Username: lisa4503 Password: jasper


Jim Price

Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2008). Education for Inclusion and Diversity. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia.

Felder, M., R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerry,
    How did you go did you workout Podcast?
    If not let me know. I will email you how to.
    Thanks for the comments
